World of Battles. Патч 0.9.13.
New Features and Content
- New map "The Crossroads" is added. For now it's available only as an official arena for certain Events (see below for details) but soon it will be opened for battlefield creation.
- XP and Gold rewards are now calculated and saved round-by-round in all game modes (including Team Arena and Quest) which lets you not to loose everything you could earn in the case of accidental battle interruption.
- Team Arena mode now allows players to continue battle after a player quits (until whole enemy team leaves).
- Reliability Rating system is made more strict and fair - now it is supposed to protects players from quitters much better than before. Please note that rates of Reliability Rating decrement are rather strict for now in the new system. This is made for testing purposes. So even if you are not a vicious quitter, several quits or a dozen of disconnections may lead you to a "yellow cap". In this case don't worry too much - we'll find better rates soon and we'll restore your Reliability Rating if we found current rates too strict for a normal playing.
- You may now sell for gems any unit or item you've purchased for gems.
- Starting from this version you will receive Quest invitations from your Race Advisors.
- Ambient sounds are added.
- Get some gems for free! "Gratispay" and "SuperRewards" - payment systems which don't actually ask you to pay - are integrated.
Fixing and Tuning
- A memory leak caused the game to crash in different places (mostly during the battle loading) is fixed
- A series of NAT traversal system fixes and enhancements were made which corrected all known issues related to NAT compatibility and made connection between Moderate and Moderate normally possible. Now we expect to see Can't Host only in some situations.
- A battlefield owner now can't start the battle until the round-trip connection probes are complete - you'll see "Pinging.." label on the button instead of "Start" until the probes are complete. This is done to prevent "No peer can be a host" issues.
- All known Army Management bugs which caused Logic Divergence in the beginning of a battle are fixed.
- All know bugs (and even some crashes) related to units redeployment are fixed. You won't face "non-spawning" unit p problem anymore.
- Gems cost is decreased for Elite units - now 5-stars Elite unit of the first set costs about 1250 gems (so the range is 500-1250 depending on the rank).
- Several system crashes are fixed in the Game Engine.
- Dozens of minor bugs are fixed including UI and Army Management related bugs.
New Great Events Coming Soon...
- New "Battle for Farenhall" quest chapters - including the ones which will take place on the new maps!
- Bonus XP and Gold Events - earn more during Days of You Favorite Map, Weeks of Your Race and Month of Your Alignment.
- Great Special Offers in the Shop - enjoy discounts, packs and limited stock sales for Elite units!
- New race - Amazons. No comments :)
- 2nd set of Elite units - look for the spoiler on our forum soon..
Коротко и по-русски.
Переводить на русский не вижу особенной пользы, ибо патч далеко не последний. Коротко, патч исправляет различные ошибки в игре, добавляет некоторые новые возможности и карту. Также разработчики подогревают наш интерес новыми грядущими нововведениями, среди которых и новая раса амазонок. И ещё разработчики нахваливают платный сервис с геммами, в общем, любые Ваши прихоти за немалые деньги. "Здесь бродят тени, ими движет запах денег." К сожалению.
Автор: Голыгин Е.А. с использованием клиента игры |
дата публикации: 09.10.2009 |
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